Our gift to you for
2023 and 2024:
The campaign "Dreamlocation"
What's up with that?
We will accompany you at your wedding day with our video team. The only thing you have to pay are our travel expenses, which are the journey there and back plus the accommodation.
We will catch all the wonderful impressions of the day and produce an wonderful "mini movie" (appr. 10 Minutes) of your wedding.
In return we want to have your permission to publish the video of your dream wedding on our webpage and on social media, to show future couples what kind of wedding films we are doing.
You can apply for our campaign and we will chose the dreamlocation which seems most attractive for us - for this couple we will offer our services (almost) free of charge!
What might be a "Dreamlocation"?
Many locations can be a dreamlocation, here we go with some examples:
at the beach of the North Sea, with waves splashing
in a fairytale castle
under palms in a sundown
in the mountains with a beautiful view
at a romantic lake
in some rustic old ruins of a castle
in the forrest, with the sunbeams shining through the woods
in the Scottish Highlandssurrounded by sheep
in an ice cave in Iceland
with flower wreaths on Hawaii
on a glacier in the alps
on a boat that slides down a river or on the ocean
and so many more...
Bur surprise us: describe your location and make it a dreamlocation! What is so special about your location?
What's in the box?
The package of this campaign includes our package "Partylöwe", which is in fact:
1 or 2 camera persons (depending on your choice and our availability)
12 hours of filming
aerial shots with the drone
Result: a Highlightclip / Mini Movie of about 7 - 10 minutes (2 - 3 Songs)
Premium-Features regarding possibilities (after-wedding-videoshoot, interviews, location-precheck, integration of private pictures or videos, ...)
The package is worth about 1.400 € - 2400 €
What is NOT in the box?
Our travel expenses, which are costs of transportation and accommodation.
This means: there might be some things to talk about and clearify, before we start. Will we get along with 2 sleepovers (don't worry, we don't need 5-star-hotels)? With which means of transport do we need to travel?
Please don't hesitate to contact us in advance, if you have questions: mail to kontakt@filmlie.be
Okay, sounds good, what do we have to do now?
We offer this campaign package only once for every year 2023 and 2024.
This means you will have to apply for it.
The application is free of charge and not binding., so you can just dare to do it!
Only if you plan to get married in the pub around the corner, it might not be so much of a dreamlocation... So maybe your chances are quite low in this case. 😉
If you think your location is a dream location, fill in the application form below.
The more information you send us now, the easier it is for us to make a decision for you.
When is the deadline?
For 2023, we are considering the applications very flexible and kind of directly (because we didn't start the campaign it advance - corona side effects). So it might happen that you apply and we chose you without any hesitation
Deadline for 2024 31st of January 2024.
If THE incredible dreamlocation hits us before that date, we might close the application anytime before that date.
Until deadline, please use the application form and provide us with additional information in case it is needed.
When will we get to know if you chose us?
Directly after the deadline we will decide on a wedding and location, so for 2024 it will be the first week of February 2024. You will then get an answer directly.
For 2023 you will get an answer in short term, especially as there might be collisions in our schedule with existing weddings.

Some more questions...
Did you do such a campaign before?
Yes, in 2022 we went to Lago Maggiore, Italy. And that is the result:
(we didn't have the above mentioned "Premium
Features" yet, so those would be added for free)
Is all of this REALLY for free?
Yes, it is indeed - apart from the travel expenses.
So, what is YOUR benefit?
Isn't it obvious?
Ist doch klar: wir machen Urlaub auf Eure Kosten! ;o)
Nee, mal ganz ehrlich: in erster Linie versprechen wir uns dadurch einen tollen Werbeeffekt. Schöne Bilder von tollen Menschen an wundervollen Orten zeigen zu können überzeugt andere Brautpaare davon, dass FilmLiebe Ihnen einen wunderschönen Hochzeitsfilm zaubern kann.
Wieso sollen wir Euch denn die Reisekosten bezahlen?
Damit wir unsere Entscheidung über die Traumlocation nicht davon abhängig machen müssen, wie teuer uns die Anreise wird. So ist eine Trauung am Nordseestrand für UNS genauso kostspielig wie eine in Neuseeland und wir können den weiteren Rahmen der Hochzeit betrachten, was wir am schönsten und video-gensten finden.
Und: Weil Ihr die Reisekosten eh bezahlen müsst. Bei anderen Videographen zusätzlich zum Paket, bei uns kriegt Ihr das Paket schon geschenkt.
Wo ist der Haken?
Wo kann ich mich denn jetzt endlich bewerben?
Na, hier:

Okay, jetzt wird's ernst...
Hier könnt Ihr Euch nun bewerben für Euren Gratis-FilmLiebe-Film 2021.​
Je mehr Infos wir zur Location und der geplanten Hochzeit haben, desto besser können wir uns Euren Tag plastisch vorstellen. Also: füttert unser Kopfkino! :o)
Wenn Ihr die Google-Formulare nicht nutzen möchtet, schreibt uns eine Mail mit den gleichen Antworten an kontakt@filmlie.be.
Ein paar Bilder für's Kopfkino...
Hier geht es zu einem extra Formular​ zum Upload von Bildern und PDFs.
Bitte nutzt die gleiche Mailadresse, damit wir die Bilder der Bewerbung zuordnen können.
Zur Anmeldung benötigt Ihr einen Google Account. Solltet Ihr keinen haben oder das nicht wollen, könnt Ihr die Medien ebenfalls schicken an kontakt@filmlie.be.